Floyd Mayweather Wants to Buy the Clippers?

Let the rumors begin. Boxing great Floyd Mayweather is the latest to throw his hat in the ring to buy the LA Clippers now that owner and racist scumbag Donald Sterling has been banned for life.

So far we have Magic Johnson, Diddy, Rick Ross and the kid from Malcolm in the Middle all interested in owning the team. Throw in Gilbert Gottfried and Leslie Chow from those Hangover movies and we got one hell of a melting pot of ownership goodness.

Featured Writer: The Guru



NBA Dropping the Ball With Racist Owner

aasterlingWe think it’s agreed across the NBA that players, coaches, owners and fans want Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling gone from the game after his paramour/nurse released his racist comments to TMZ over the weekend.

However, this is not an issue for new commissioner Adam Silver to decide. Silver works for the other owners in that league of greed and, while they have no problem dropping fines on Mark Cuban for bitching about a foul, they’ve let this Clipper Klansman spout his ignorant bullshit for 34 years while turning his team into a complete joke.

Sterling’s history of bigotry is well documented and the slum lord has been sued in the past for unfair renting practices, wrongful termination and discrimination on the basis of race. This has all been public knowledge in and out of the NBA and the league has done nothing. 

Silver has a press conference planned for Tuesday and will address the media. I think we all know how that will go: An investigation, talks of sanctions, condemning words, blah blah blah. Meanwhile, this 80-year-old racist will rake in millions from Clippers playoff games. Do you really think the NBA is going to take the team away from him? These good ol’ boys stick together. There’s a reason that Michael Jordan is the only minority owner in a sport that has been predominantly black for decades. 

aamagic1Magic, BarkleyLeBron, Snoop Dogg and President Obama can condemn the words while the Clippers wear their warmups inside out in some sort of wardrobe protest, but that accomplishes nothing. Want to really make a statement? Want to really make a difference? Want all those headlines you know and love, NBA players? Refuse to play for him. Refuse to play against him. Refuse to play in a league that allows him. Make a statement. Hit Sterling and all the owners that kept him in the league for over three decades where it hurts – the wallet. If the players across the league want to really show their “outrage” don’t play another playoff game until this plantation owner is sent packing.

We always hear that it’s a “players league” and now is the opportunity to prove it. It’s time for the players themselves to step up and take action beyond wearing black socks. This goes beyond basketball. 

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Magic Johnson is a Genius

Memorial Service For Los Angeles Lakers Owner Dr. Jerry Buss

Magic Johnson is the Stephen Hawking of the NBA. Is there quite simply a more brilliant mind? We think not.

 If there was a Pulitzer Prize for Twitter, Magic would be the winner. 

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‘Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s’ by Jeff Pearlman is One Wild Ride


Best selling author and ex-sportswriter Jeff Pearlman dropped a new book on Tuesday – thanks for the copy Random House – entitled Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s.

While I am no fan of today’s NBA game, I was a huge Celtics fan back in the 80’s and Showtime is one fun ride back to the day of real rivalries, outlandish personalities and great basketball.

Here’s what I learned: Jerry Buss was one crazy dude, Pat Riley’s not a genius, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hates white people, A.C. Green was indeed a virgin, Magic Johnson was not and a coked-out Spencer Hayward once tried to have his coach killed.

Good stuff.

Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s is out now and sure beats watching today’s Lakers.

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LeBron James Puts Self on NBA Mt. Rushmore


In an interview with NBA.com, LeBron James listed the four players he would put on the NBA’s version of Mount Rushmore: Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson and Oscar Robertson.

James then added:

“I’m going to be one of the top four to play this game, for sure. And if they don’t want me to have one of those top four spots, they’d better find another spot on that mountain. Somebody’s gotta get bumped, but that’s not for me to decide. That’s for the architects.”

Alright, King James, let’s slow down before you start tearing down monuments.There are a few more titles to win until you join likes of His Airness (six championships), Magic (5) and Bird (3).

And James can forget joining the real king of the mountain: Bill Russell – 11 NBA titles.


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